Therapy Rates

Costs will vary depending on your personalized treatment plan.

 Dear Valued Clients,

Please be advised that in accordance with The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta’s recommended fee schedule, Reunion Psychedelic Therapy will be increasing individual therapy session fees by $15 effective January 1st 2025.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at 780-784-8001 (or or refer to the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta:

Thank you for your understanding. We wish you a happy holiday season!

For your reference, the charts below show the cost of each service per session. Costs will vary depending on your personalized treatment plan.

Intake & Screening
Service Length Fee
Medical & Psychiatric Screening 60 mins $499
Service Length Fee
Preparation Session 50 mins $245
Nurse-Supported Dosing Session 2 hours $500
Nurse & Psychologist Supported
Dosing Session
3.0 hours $915
($245/hr + $180 medication
administration fee)
Integration Session 50 mins $245
Psychotherapy Session 50 mins $245

 Therapy Session and Rates FAQs

  • Your credit card information will be collected at intake to secure your first appointment. If a credit card number is not available, other arrangements will need to be made prior to your initial session to secure the appointment.

    Payment is taken at the end of each session. We accept all credit cards, debit, cash, cheque, and e-transfers.

    You will receive a receipt, which you can submit for reimbursement from your health insurance/benefits provider.

    Fees for psychological services can be claimed under tax deductible health services on your income tax return.

  • Some services may be eligible for partial coverage by your private health insurance/employee benefits plan. If applicable, you are responsible for contacting your insurance company directly for questions regarding coverage of these services, to learn details of your coverage, verify that services will be covered by your policy, and any conditions of this coverage. 

  • First, you’ll want to have your insurance card ready before calling. After making the call, here are some questions you may want to ask:

    Do I have psychological services coverage?

    • If the answer is yes, ask:

      • How many hours per session can I claim?

      • How many hours per week can I claim?

      • What is the total dollar amount of my coverage yearly?

      • What is the total amount per day I can claim for a single service?

      • What designation does the provider need to have for me to be covered? E.g. Registered Psychologist, Provisional Psychologist, Registered Clinical Social Worker, Canadian Certified Counsellor?

      • If relevant what are the specific services included in my coverage? E.g. Psychology individual visit? Psychological assessment? Family therapy? Couples therapy? Etc.

    Do I have prescription coverage?

    • If the answer is yes, ask:

      • Is Ketamine covered under my plan?

        • If yes: What forms of ketamine are covered? i.e. oral (lozenges), intramuscular etc.

      • What percentage or maximum dollar amount can I claim for prescriptions?

    Does my coverage cover a specific date range and if so, what is it?

    • What is the effective/renewal date for my coverage?

  • We’re able to bill the majority of health insurance providers directly for services. Our administration team will be happy to assist you with direct billing. Please call (587) 409-0121 to find out more. 

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
— Carl Jung

We’re here to help.

Give us a call or text if you’d like to inquire about our services: